Be a Light Unto Yourself! My last blog for awhile.

All the Buddhas said "Be a Light Unto Yourself." 

Never was it their intention that people mindlessly follow them and never was it their intention that people quote them as we often do and use their words to win an argument as often we have done. At least I did it.

With the passage of time I can see that each person carries within them their own light however small and dim. But the important thing is that even the smallest candle can light the whole room; not only that it can fill the Universe eventually.

The strange thing with anyone even slightly illumined is that our natural tendency is to emulate them and this of course is tragic. Tragic because the person can never find their flame or their passion, let alone their light.

The only relevance a true Teacher or Master is to anyone is to see that if they can "achieve" 
( wrong word ) something so rare as to be an integrated individual, then as rare as it might be, STILLanyone can do it. 

Now, when THEY say this, I trust and if someone else says the same thing, I do not trust. I trust anyone who whilst speaking from their own experience understands that this may be their path but it may well not work for someone else.

The person of integrity is the one who does not tell anyone how they should be, simple really! 

Naturally, if someone asks some advice, the wise person is the one who says, this worked very well for me, but it may not work for you. This person has integrity, sincerity and a deep understanding of human nature.

There are a few reasons why I won't be so active blogging as I was. Firstly I am following my own light, taking care of my mother better, flying more often and do not really want to write blogs to which I cannot properly respond to the comments.

I am not pretending and scurrying back when I see that people are forgetting me, because I see the rapid rise of a few bloggers recently quickly obscures anybody as it should.

I will not be so visible for awhile and at this stage not sure how long. 

You have all been wonderful, and I wish you the best for 2012.

Warmest wishes,
even love to some,


Real Estate Mentoring, Property Success! Handing down Meritons, the Family Firm, Harry Trigubuff Style.

Harry Triguboff has been wondering for awhile how to hand down the family firm. He founded Meriton Apartments when I was practising Law and in those days did not build such impeccable properties as he does to-day; impeccable that is, for anyone who thinks properties should have an aesthetic touch and look beautiful.

Now, whilst he is not well known for being the artistic type and there are others more versed in the art, nevertheless he has changed his style considerably over the years.

The problem Harry Trigubuff faces now is the one many others of his generation face and that is handing down the family billions. While this may not affect you and me, it may be of interest to note that "accounting firm Pitcher Partners has joined forces with Adelaide University to offer a postgraduate certificate degree in applied entrepreneurship and innovation to their internal staff as well as some selected external clients such as Russell Kennedy lawyers."

If anyone out there is considering becoming an Entrepreneur or advising others in this strange art form some dislike intensely and others love with a passion, perhaps this is the course for them. 

As the next 10 years will see a marked increase in the rate at which family owners exit their businesses through trade sales, initial public offerings ( IPO's ) or other forms of restructuring, now may be the time to get in on the ground floor.

It looks like if you can get a certificate Degree in Applied Entrepreneurship, you can get a degree in anything and in Australia too.

More to the point, do YOU think the degree will offer any practical wisdom to the new graduates?


Sam Borrett
Performance Coach for Businesses and Companies, Lawyer, NP

Business and Corporate Mentoring, 

Humans do not like rule-guided behaviour -We don’t like being told how we should be!

There are a million reasons stemming from either our early obedience to gain love and acceptance, to our intense dislike of authority. These early childhood experiences were reinforced at school where we had power tripping school teachers who feeling inadequate and impotent took their frustrations out on the poor children.

In either case we lose, as we were at the mercy of the system and later in life it is more difficult to truly learn the power of responding to the present moment, to an event or person rather than reacting,which is ordinarily what we do. 

If we were a little fortunate at school, we had at least a couple of teachers who were truly gifted, loving and compassionate as I did. The rest were simply frustrated pedagogues who later on went on to live a life they regretted.

We think that when we react strongly and state our opinion that we are not weak and in charge but in fact we are still little children; rather than pausing for a few moments to see how we feel we jump straight in with all our wounds ready to attack or defend.

We see it in life and we see it online where people go out of their way to correct others as to their behaviour, their beliefs, their way of life or their approach to business. 

If we can remember to be a little less harsh on others, perhaps we can learn to be a little less harsh on ourselves. Surely this so-called festive season will make us stop to think how we can do things differently now and tomorrow.


Corporate Mentoring Success, Corporate Culture and Success: Murdoch Style

 We have seen recently the decay of at least one of the News of the World and Murdoch arms with his most recent scandal and apparent cover up.

One of the reasons is certainly clear at least as far as I am concerned and that is all employees, whether consciously or unconsciously take the cue from their leader. What a Court will fail in establishing of course is whether the employees took their cue from Murdoch himself or from the Corporate Culture.

This fact can never really be established and Murdoch has too much Klout to ever lose the war, although he has lost this last game.

Whenever a Corporate Culture comes under attack there are a few things to spot. Is the environment one of Health, Wealth and Understanding? If the culture fails on even one of these conditions it is bound for trouble. Both Health and Wealth are relative terms and each person within the culture has to be aligned in principle with the overall philosophy. Needless to say there was little Understanding.

If even one person cannot align himself with the corporate philosophy, the weight of the culture will over-ride his/her own values as a rule and the employee will cave in, as happened with the Murdoch Empire in the phone hacking scandal.

So what we got from the debacle were the things any person with a corporate understanding would expect:

  • Decreased profitability and massive pay outs to outside individuals
  • Conflict and a lack of significant resolution
  • An unhealthy work environment
  • Poor performance by key personnel
  • Communication issues
  • Company stagnation
  • Decay
  • If you were Murdoch what would you do now, retire? 


    Personal Mentor Success, Business Mentor Success- Bob Ansett style!!

     You may remember in my last blog about Bob Ansett that he mentioned persistence as one of the qualities we need when all else fails.

    Whether we call it persistence or perseverance the message is the same; without it we usually give up well before what may have been a glorious experience and achievement. 

    When confronted with what we may like to look on as our goals, it is more likely that we will fail unless we break down the goals into manageable steps.

    For example, if you want to lose weight you will have to begin a fitness program and enlist the help of someone who has done it in a healthy and intelligent way. Not only that you will have to have a commencement date and a time frame each week, so many times a week and for a specific period of time, say one year.

    Further more timing is important and attempting to lose weight over Xmas is actually swimming against the river. It's not impossible but then you will have to be very familiar with the "growth through friction method," otherwise you will fail

    If you are not so good at disciplining yourself you have to have a partner or a coach/mentor to make you accountable, no excuses!!

    What is more crucial as we all set our sights on the 2012 horizon is that where determination may have let you down, persistence or perseverance keeps on keeping on.

    One of the most vital aspects of any process which requires attention is that it will need to inspire you with spirit and a fire in the belly to ignite the fuel needed to overcome all the negative feedback from yourself and others; there will be plenty.

    Do you feel ready for the challenge of 2012?


    Bob Ansett, an Australian Icon, Business Excellence Breakfast, John Hurd, Persistence and Success.

    This morning Bob Ansett one of Australia’s great entrepreneurs gave a stimulating, motivational and very positive spin on success, leadership, employee relationship building and much more.

    Bob Ansett @

     was one of the children of Sir Reg Ansett the founder of Ansett Airways and many other ventures, including establishing a number of other business enterprises including [[Ansett Pioneer coachlines, Ansett Freight Express, Ansair coachbuilders, Gateway Hotels, Diner's Club Australia, Biro Bic Australia and the ATV-0 television station in Melbourne and TVQ-0 in Brisbane which later became part of Network Ten.

    Bob said amongst other things that if you can’t take very good care of your staff and employees and make the work place a fun place to be, you’re going to miss out on a lot in life. After all, most of us spend a great deal of our time one way or another, working, networking, building businesses, building relationships, carving a niche in the market and generally expending a vast amount of energy.

    If you are looking for a warm hearted yet powerful speaker who can surely motivate even the least amongst us, then you won’t be disappointed. Bob, (who has given me permission and authority ) to write this blog said, that without persistence the journey is less certain as we are surrounded by risk whether we know it or not; the good thing is that we also have lots of opportunity if we don’t give up as many often do.

    In life we see many people who are talented, educated and gifted yet these self same people never ever seem to take the reins and give up prematurely or lose hope too early. A little persistence goes a long way.

    If we can balance the desire for money, wealth, power or prestige, we will have a healthier and happier perspective on life. The reason for this is because, although it is natural to want these things, if we think in terms of “becoming,” then we will continue to live in tension and find it difficult to be at ease. Mind needs future — any kind of future will do. You have to become rich, you have to become powerful, you have to become beautiful, and you have to become wise.

    If this idea of BECOMING is there, mind will persist. And the persistence of mind is the misery of everybody as it keeps you tense, anxious and makes you worry about missing the target.

    So, remember Bob Ansett if you’re thinking of giving up too soon and think of Stephen Crane when you’re getting too worried about the goal. Stephen Crane wrote a poem:

    I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
    Round and round they sped.
    I was disturbed at this;
    I accosted the man.
    "It is futile," I said.
    "You can never…"
    "You lie!" he cried,
    And ran on.

    This running, this continuous running after the horizon which does not exist will drive you nuts, so keep on persisting but do it relaxed and in style. 

    What circumstances can change your year in 2012? #EPOM

    I thought in the interest of others, I'd change the Title as I often suggest to people when blogging. I was reminded that often badly thought out titles can put people off from what might otherwise be helpful hints and suggestions.

    Thus, the ingredients that can benefit us are-

  • our ability
  • our past circumstances
  • and our present circumstances.
  • Now, there is one factor that is predominant in determining how well you may do at that task or assignment- that factor is effort. But that is only the beginning of the story because we we need to establish what will determine the amount of effort we put in to the task, job or challenge. 

    What will determine the amount of effort we give to the task will depend on our level of personal competence and our belief in our ability to perform a specific job.

    Therefore, this personal competence and self belief will determine not only what we will attempt, how hard we will work at the task and for what period of time we will give it to succeed, but also our enthusiasm and chance of success.

    Personal Competence or Self Belief also depends on our previous successful achievementsour level of stimulation and encouragement we get from others or simply life itself.

    What do you feel is necessary to turn the tide for yourself next year? For me, it is more effort, pure and simple.


    With 2012 Looming Large, Do You Think Some Goal Setting Can Help Your Year?

    A very practical Professor of Psychology Bob Montgomery thinks so!  He thinks that Goal-setting is a life skill. He also thinks that we "should expect to adjust, achieve, replace, and revise goals from time to time." That makes sense.

    Whenever we have set goals it can be easy to forget that we need to revisit them and that we need to decide for ourselves with conscious intent, consideration, and reflection what it is we really want from our goals. The thing I try to remember particularly is that I need to set out clear and precise plans for definite action, otherwise I fall off the goals setting waggon. How deliberately and earnestly I set my goals will determine the likelihood of success. 

    What is more, the plans or goals will need to be expressed as certain steps I intend to take and a specific set of actions or behaviour I intend to perform or to make happen. The goals therefore should not be confused in any way with desired or imagined outcomes because if we do that, then things can get foggy. 

    For example if I write down the things I plan that I will definitely do the first thing next year THEN I have to do them. This way I will not confuse some desired result with my plans and get lost in the dream.

    I have written elsewhere against goal setting but life is complex and nothing and no-one is the same for two consecutive moments, therefore goal setting can be helpful for many at any stage.The points of interest are that the success or otherwise of goal setting will depend mostly on your own efforts, and not as Professor Bob Montgomery says on the reactions of things or people outside your control.

    Generally we don't like taking orders from people even if they are well intentioned. Therefore, the goals worth setting are the ones you were involved in setting; for me that is the most important ingredient. that ingredient is YOU or in my case ME.


    Sam Borrett
    Performance Coach for Businesses and Companies, Lawyer, NP

    Business and Corporate Mentoring, 

    Should an Organism eat itself? Should Ecademy Members expect Business from each other?

    I understood a long time ago and I must confess it was revealed to me over time, through the process of observation, understanding and many, many expectations that we should never expect to reap immediate financial or other equally obvious benefits from any network with which we are associated.

    The reason this was valid is that a Network is or at least should be a Network, first and foremost of friends, not necessarily business prospects. Now, whilst we may forget this when we join any Network in the desire to get more business, the fact is that the really beneficial and juicy work happens at a different level from that of pure business; that level is of course the level of friendship.

    I've written before of the fluidity and flexibility that needs to be at the heart of any Network and although friendships seems to be a solid thing, the real and tangible benefits come more from a friendliness rather than a solid friendship. 

    The reason for this is because these very solid friendships can often turn around to become the opposite of what was intended and the whole edifice comes crumbling down. Most will relate to this either through divorce or deep friendships that turn sour.

    The point I'm making is that as soon as an organism turns on itself firstly it ceases to flourish and secondly any hope of doing some business becomes a distant memory as people realise that their original expectations have turned to dust.

    The same is with Ecademy or any other alive organism of people; it should be a living breathing organism where people can come, go and return and in the interim people will also do business, form solid friendships and relationships and these in turn will change again and again.

    If we can bear this in mind, whether on Ecademy or elsewhere in life, we will have more fun, be more understanding, more forgiving and less likely to want to tear each other's heads off just because our own pathetic little desires have not been met.


    Three factors will determine how well you can perform a difficult project or assignment?

    These factors seem to be ability as well as past and present circumstances, however the interesting thing is that there is one factor that is predominant in determining how well you may do at that task or assignment- that factor which we all need to remind ourselves is needed is effort.

    Now, when it comes to effort, many are a bit lazy and we all know there are certain things to which we will give everything and then other things about which we make little or no effort.

    From this point, things can get a bit tricky because we need to establish what will determine the amount of effort we put in to the task, job or challenge. The level of personal competence is our belief in our ability to perform a specific job and this personal competence will determine in no uncertain way what we will attempt, how hard we will work at it and for what period of time we will give it to succeed.

    Personal Competence
     or our belief in ourselves precedes the movement towards achieving a successful outcome and this movement forward towards success also depends on our previous successful achievements, our level of stimulation and interest and any encouragement we may get from others or simply life itself.

    If you add Social Competence to the equation, you have a powerful cocktail. What do you feel is necessary to turn the tide for yourself next year. For me, it is more effort, that's all. 
